Anna B Savage

2 items

Anna B Savage - A Common Turn

Released 29th January. Savage’s voice is endlessly warm, but producer William Doyle (East India Y...

Released 29th January. Savage’s voice is endlessly warm, but producer William Doyle (East India Youth) consistently finds the iron in it. Even the darkest moments in this music don’t stick in their devastation, though – Savage’s fire burns too brightly. Her voice can drop to a whisper, but then it will open all the way up in a flash flood of cavernous guitar, echoes, and swelling strings that expand and then vanish just as suddenly as they arrived. Savage’s music is deeply vulnerable, withou...


Anna B Savage - in|FLUX

Released 17th February 2023 Anna B Savage has always asked questions in her music, but on new alb...

Released 17th February 2023 Anna B Savage has always asked questions in her music, but on new album in|FLUX answers are no longer her quest. Vulnerability and curiosity have consistently been operative words to describe her work and on her second album she ruminates on the complexities and variables of humanity, the pain or pleasure of love, loss and earthly connection, capturing it all in devastating, elating and powerful ways. The key difference between this and previous releases: she’s not...

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